Posts Tagged ‘Supergirl (Vol. 4)’

August 1st, 2011  Posted at   The Stack

July was an exceptional month for reading. For the first time since January, I am completely caught up on new material and the Reading Project. (It also tied January as the most productive month of the year, for what it’s worth.) I am hesitant to say that it won’t be a problem keeping up from here on out, but with my books getting cut drastically come September, obstacles are seemingly fewer.

Here’s July:

Action Comics #901-902
Adventure Comics #527
All New Batman: Brave and the Bold #8
Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search For Swamp Thing #1
Green Lantern (Vol. 4) #66
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 2) #60
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #10-11
Hulk-Sized Mini-Hulks #1
Steel #38-44
Superboy (Vol. 3) #39-45
Superboy and the Ravers #9-15
Superboy Annual (Vol. 2) #4
Superboy Plus #2
Supergirl (Vol. 4) #9-15
Supergirl (Vol. 5) #64-65
Supergirl Annual #2
Superman #712
Superman/Batman #84-85
Tiny Titans #40-41
Young Justice (Vol. 2) #4-5
Showcase Presents: Superman Family Vol. 3

Total: 50 comics, 1 trade (Year total: 248 comics, 8 trades)

I started the Showcase volume back in May, but just finished it up. It was an excellent volume, though. It is, maybe, my favorite Showcase Presents volume so far. It is certainly my favorite of the non-pure Superman volumes. There are many classic and iconic stories in it.

The Reading Project is coming along nicely. I’m more than one-third of the way through now. STEEL and SUPERBOY AND THE RAVERS will be dropping off soon, and YOUNG JUSTICE will be added. None of those are likely to happen in August, but we will see. While we are on the subject, SUPERBOY AND THE RAVERS is a fun title. It’s unfortunate people pass on it because the dated (and kind of silly) title. Coincidentally, this era of Kon-El also gets passed on because of a dated costume and haircut. If you haven’t read it, you’re missing some fun stuff, folks.

HULK-SIZE MINI HULKS was… interesting. I don’t normally read Marvel titles outside of trades, but this looked cute. And it was, but also rather repetetive. It was also odd that the creators names were on every page.

My award for Best Book of the Month (which isn’t a real award, but I’m deeming it such for this post) goes to SUPERMAN #712, written by Kurt Busiek. It has taken its place as my favorite story of Kurt Busike’s run, topping out “The Best Day” from SUPERMAN ANNUAL #13. Not only was it an excellent done-in-one, it was extremely touching story. If you are a dog owner and don’t feel at least a twinge of emotion reading this, I might be lead to question your humanity. I might be sharing my thoughts on it more in an upcoming episode of “The Thrilling Adventures of Superman,” so keep an ear there.

And speaking of done-in-ones, GREEN LANTERN: EMERALD WARRIORS #11 was a nice one, with Guy Gardner in the lead role. Though I like him more these days than ever before, I never cared just a whole lot for Guy. That’s not to say he’s a bad character… just not my flavor. However, I enjoyed this story… even more because it was a self-contained, one-issue story. Comics need more of those these days.

July 1st, 2011  Posted at   The Stack

Major comeback in June as I read more books than any month since January. I’ve discovered the key is forcing myself to sit down and read. Not that reading is a chore… but sometimes other things seem more appealing in-the-moment, but aren’t as fulfilling long term, you know? Anyway, here’s June:

Action Comics #900
Adventure Comics #525
All New Batman: Brave and the Bold #6-7
Brightest Day #24
Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #4
FCBD 2011 Green Lantern Flashpoint Special Edition
FCBD 2011 Young Justice Batman BB Super Sampler
Flash (Vol. 3) #10-12
Green Lantern (Vol. 4) #65
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 2) #59
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #9
R.E.B.E.L.S. #27-28
Steel #33-37
Superboy (Vol. 3) #34-38
Superboy and the Ravers #3-8
Superboy Plus #1
Superboy/Robin: World’s Finest 3 #1-2
Supergirl (Vol. 4) #4-8
Supergirl (Vol. 5) #63
Supergirl Plus # 1
Superman #710-711
Superman/Batman #83
Tiny Titans #39
Young Justice (Vol. 2) #3
Total: 45 comics (Year total: 198 comics, 7 trades)

I also continued reading through SHOWCASE PRESENTS: SUPERMAN FAMILY, Vol. 3. I should finish that in the month ahead.

The Reading Project continues nicely. I’m about one-third of the way through it. While I am enjoying following the “lives” of these characters and as they evolve and grow in this era in tandom (and it will leave me in great shape when Michael Bailey and Jeffrey Taylor get to this era on From Crisis to Crisis: A Superman Podcast, I’m slightly regretting taking on such a large project all at once. The project encompasses more than 300 comics published over 8 years, which is… a lot. I think for future Reading Projects, I will aim for a more narrow scope.

If you’re interested in my thoughts on “The Incident” from ACTION COMICS #900, give a listen to episode 22 of “The Thrilling Adventures of Superman.” The topic that had folks all up in arms turned out to be a moot point for me, but the story still bugged me for reasons I go into in that episode.

So, the other big elephant in the corner: DCnU. I’ll spare you my personal feelings on the entire matter and cut to the quick: None of the titles sound interesting to me. I’m going to keep on with the three, soon to be four, Green Lantern titles and I will read ACTION COMICS (Vol. *sigh* 2) and SUPERMAN (Vol. 3). But reading those is based solely on past history. The Green Lantern titles, title shuffling aside, are making it through unchanged. I have enjoyed Morrison on Superman before, so I’m willing to give his year on ACTION COMICS a shot. And George Pérez is, well, George Pérez.

So, yeah. While it makes me sad that none of the books even sound interesting, I do recognize that it will give me more opportunity to read back issues and explore titles I have wanted to dive into for a while. So, to that, I’m looking forward.

June 1st, 2011  Posted at   The Stack

May brought a slight rebound in the ol’ comics reading. Still not where it was, but with the comics I read for “The Thrilling Adventures of Superman” and “Legends of the Batman,” which aren’t included in The Stack, this may be what is now a normal month. Here’s May:

Action Comics #899
Brightest Day #23
Eradicator #1-3
Fallen Angel: Return of the Son #3
Green Lantern (Vol. 4) #64
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 2) #58
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #8
Jimmy Olsen #1
JLA 80-Page Giant 2011
Justice League of America/The 99 #6
Steel #29-33
Superboy (Vol. 3) #30-32
Superboy and the Ravers #1-2
Superboy Annual (Vol. 2) #3
Supergirl (Vol. 4) #1-3
Supergirl (Vol. 5) #62
Superman/Batman #82
Batman Chronicles, Vol. 4 trade paperback

Total: 28 comics, 1 trade (Year total: 153 comics, 7 trades)

That’s not a complaint, mind you. I love doing both shows. It just has the unfortunate consequence of cutting into my regular reading.

I also started reading SHOWCASE PRESENTS: SUPERMAN FAMILY, Vol. 3. (Oddly, this is my first SHowcase volume of the year!) But, it has been great Silver Age goodness from Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane titles. It’s a shame this is the last Superman Family volume to date (and that the Showcase Presents line has slowed period, as there is a lot more material DC could use for future volumes).

But, hey, look at that there reading project! ERADICATOR, SUPERGIRL (Vol. 4) and SUPERBOY AND THE RAVERS finally made the list this month. I’m only three issues in, but enjoying SUPERGIRL just as much this time around. Good stuff. Even SUPERBOY AND THE RAVERS is again enjoyable, which surprised me.

Last month, I mentioned I might be dropping the Green Lantern titles post-“War of the Green Lanterns” if that story didn’t renew my interest. I’m only three parts in, but have really been enjoying it. So far, it’s done a lot to reinvigorate my interest in those titles. So if the rest of the story holds up, I’ll be sticking around. We’ll see.