Legends of the Batman, Episode 15

July 7th, 2011  Posted at   Legends of the Batman

Legends of the Batman

Welcome to episode 15 of Legends of the Batman, the show covering everything Batman — from the beginning! The show’s premise is a simple one. Each episode, we cover a month of Batman, be it comic books, television, movies, whatever, starting with his first appearance in 1939.

Michael Kaiser and Michael Bradley are back with a double-hit of awesomeness starring Batman and Robin! First up is DETECTIVE COMICS #40 where Batman and Robin attempt to stop a vicious killer who’s target is Julie Madison (aspiring actress) and learn to beware of Clayface! (Yes, we said actress.) Then it’s a bit of a lighter story, but the threat is no less dangerous, in NEW YORK WORLD’S FAIR COMICS as “Batman and Robin Visit the 1940 New York World’s Fair”! You’ll never believe what happens in that one!

Click here to see the post at BatmanLegends.com, the site’s home base, to download the episode or subscribe to the show.

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